Email Protection Services

Email protection services is an absolute necessity for enterprise email management. The rise of digital threats such as ransomware, malware, and flow of spam showing no signs of slowing down, refined email spam filters improve productivity by keeping spam out of inboxes and reduce costs by removing unwanted traffic off email servers.

Why choose Izenica Technologies LLC for email spam protection?

With constant monitoring and management, Izenica Technologies LLC keeps your employees and organization protected. 

Faster resolutions with 24/7/365 system monitoring.

Remote and on-site support services available 24/7.

Protect your Email

If you don’t have the time to investigate the security of your email system, consider giving us a call or submitting your contact information below for assistance.

Train Your Employees

The first key to security to protect email from spam is training your employees. The more awareness you bring to the issue, the more sensitive your employees will become to it and will be much more attentive to any suspicious activity

Phishing Scams

These emails will appear to have come from an authentic source and entice the reader to take an action. Typically, the action involves clicking a link or sharing information via an online form that looks legitimate. The phishing link and website clone are so believable that it is easy to mistake them for the real thing. For example, a link is clicked by a user urging them to fill out some personal information to receive a gift card.

Hacked vs Authentic Email

These emails do come from an authentic sender account, but their account may have been hacked. One way to spot such an email is if it looks sketchy. For example, let’s say you get an email from a retail company. Everything looks legit except that it is filled with typos, spelling and grammar errors. Perhaps there are instructions on downloading an attachment or form without a clear reason as to “Why?” Avoid such emails.

BYOD: Bring Your Own Device

In today’s modern workplace, businesses allow their employees to work from anywhere using their device. Perhaps you have an employee working on the road and they decide to use an open WIFI network at a coffee shop. The potential of being hacked from someone nearby is insurmountable. It could be the person sitting right next to them. Next, your entire organization could be a victim of ransomware — then it’s all over after that.

Email Security Solutions

Selecting a reliable email spam protect security tool is crucial. With so many options out there to choose from, we recommend that it contains the following attributes:


An email security solution that encrypts your messages ensures that the hackers will never be able to read data if it’s stolen. Data encryption is a method where information is encoded and can only be accessed or decrypted by a user with the correct encryption key. Without decryption keys, no one in between will be able to make sense of the data they have obtained.

Cloud-based Email

Get rid of server-based email systems. On old school versions of email software, emails are stored on servers and transmitted every time the email software establishes a connection with them. Cloud technology and web-based systems add an extra layer of security.


Filtering unwanted communications reduces the threat of breaches and makes for a much cleaner inbox. If questionable messages are routed to the junk folder, they are much less likely to be opened. Make sure that your email security tool has strong filters in place that can keep spam and malicious emails out.


Yes, Artificial Intelligence! The future is on our doorstep. Cybercriminals are getting smarter and so is the technology that help these thieves’ access what they should not be accessing. AI will keep you updated on the latest technologies, but it also learns and evolves which means an extra blanket of security for your email systems.​

A Breach Of Any Kind Is Scary

We want to make sure that your back-patio door is locked and secured. An email hack has the potential to put you out of business.

If you don’t have the time to investigate the security of your email spam protection system, consider giving us a call and we can assist you.

Izenica Technologies LLC Managed Service Provider

IZenica Technologies LLC
77 Main Street Savannah GA 31408 USA
Call:  +18053954902


Request a Quote: +18053954902

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